Basic Fatigue Management
What is Basic Fatigue Management?
BFM accreditation is a scheme under NHVAS (National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme) and is a means to enable drivers to work / drive for up to 14 hrs in a 24hr period. The Scheme is governed and monitored by the NHVR and by local jurisdiction and enforcement.
What is needed to get going?
1) The operator must have a system in place including Policies and Procedure document. The operator must also maintain records of driver’s activities with an auditable paper trail to be able to demonstrate compliance to the regulator. (Contact us for more details).
2) You must first register any employee doing the training for a Unique Student Identifier (USI) which can be set up at It’s free and will take around 3 minutes to do.
3) Training: The Operator must have an allocator appointed and trained to legally issue work schedules to BFM drivers. The courses required are-
– TLIF0006 for Allocator / Scheduler
– TLIF0005 for the Driver
Both these courses must be obtained through an RTO (Registered Training Organization). The training can either be done face to face by Transchoice or online if preferred which we can also facilitate at either
4) Medical: The driver must obtain and present a current medical along with training certificate to be eligible to operate under BFM accreditation that must comply with Assessing Fitness to Drive requirements as set by Austroads. For medicals to be current, they must be completed as follows: drivers 49 and under are every 3 years, drivers 50 and over are every 1 year. Please see below for Medical forms.
Driver Health Questionnaire (PDF, 245KB), Fitness to Drive Report (PDF, 140KB)
5) The operator needs to appoint an NHVAS Manager to oversee and manage the accreditation and ensure all activities and responsibilities are met. The nominated person also acts as liaison to NHVR for any correspondence required from time to time.
6)Audits: Audits are to be conducted at the entry of Scheme, then a 6 monthly compliance audit followed by a third audit at the end of the first 2 years. From then on 1 every 2 years as a renewal audit. These are to be conducted by an Exemplar Global certified and NHVR approved Auditor.
What we provide:
1) The Quality Management System itself including all forms and necessary documentation to comply with NHVAS Basic Fatigue Management Standards (PDF, 193KB)
2) The training for appointed NHVAS manager and administration staff and drivers who will be carrying out relative roles.
3) Face to face training for Schedulers / Allocators and drivers (optional as these can be done on line)
4)Completed Establish accreditation (PDF, 377KB) application forms for NHVR
5) Ongoing support via phone and Email. We are also happy to come to site but this will have a cost associated.
6) We provide the system and can arrange for the audit on the same day meaning faster turnaround for approval.
7) We keep customers updated with current laws and legislation and track when your audits are due.